Sunday, April 13, 2014

Cart Traffic

In my short time here at Butler's, I can see that we are going to have to put forth much effort into cart traffic to help the playing surfaces from becoming, for a lack of a better word, unplayable.

One of the main cultural practices we will do each spring, is apply extra nitrogen to the heavily trafficked areas to help promote quicker growth and better recovery. We will also go out and aerify these areas, when possible, to help with compaction. Adding cart traffic control ropes and stakes, although ugly, are a necessary evil and will be rotated liberally every couple days as wear dictates.

As you can see below in the picture of #15 Lakes course, carts like to play "follow the leader." What can you do to help, as a golfer? You can start by never following the same path off of the cart path as your playing partners. You can also take the "path less traveled." For example, taking your cart an extra 15 yards up the cart path and then coming back to your ball. All these little things can go a long way in improving the playing conditions of the golf courses.

Thank you and Hope to see you out there!

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